
Rust-101, Part 06: Copy, Lifetimes


We continue to work on our BigInt, so we start by importing what we already established.

use part05::BigInt;

With BigInt being about numbers, we should be able to write a version of vec_min that computes the minimum of a list of BigInt. First, we have to write min for BigInt.

impl BigInt {
    fn min_try1(self, other: Self) -> Self {

Just to be sure, we first check that both operands actually satisfy our invariant. debug_assert! is a macro that checks that its argument (must be of type bool) is true, and panics otherwise. It gets removed in release builds, which you do with cargo build --release.

        debug_assert!(self.test_invariant() && other.test_invariant());

Now our assumption of having no trailing zeros comes in handy: If the lengths of the two numbers differ, we already know which is larger.

        if < {
        } else if > {
        } else {

Exercise 06.1: Fill in this code.


Now we can write vec_min.

fn vec_min(v: &Vec<BigInt>) -> Option<BigInt> {
    let mut min: Option<BigInt> = None;

If v is a shared reference to a vector, then the default for iterating over it is to call iter, the iterator that borrows the elements.

    for e in v {
        let e = e.clone();
        min = Some(match min {
            None => e,
            Some(n) => e.min_try1(n)

Now, what’s happening here? Why do we have to to make a full (deep) copy of e, and why did we not have to do that in our previous version?

The answer is already hidden in the type of vec_min: v is just borrowed, but the Option that it returns is owned. We can’t just return one of the elements of v, as that would mean that it is no longer in the vector! In our code, this comes up when we update the intermediate variable min, which also has type Option<BigInt>. If you get rid of the e.clone(), Rust will complain “Cannot move out of borrowed content”. That’s because e is a &BigInt. Assigning min = Some(*e) works just like a function call: Ownership of the underlying data is transferred from e to min. But that’s not allowed, since we just borrowed e, so we cannot empty it! We can, however, call clone on it. Then we own the copy that was created, and hence we can store it in min.
Of course, making such a full copy is expensive, so we’d like to avoid it. We’ll come to that in the next part.


Copy types

But before we go there, I should answer the second question I brought up above: Why did our old vec_min work? We stored the minimal i32 locally without cloning, and Rust did not complain. That’s because there isn’t really much of an “ownership” when it comes to types like i32 or bool: If you move the value from one place to another, then both instances are “complete”. We also say the value has been duplicated. This is in stark contrast to types like Vec<i32>, where moving the value results in both the old and the new vector to point to the same underlying buffer. We don’t have two vectors, there’s no proper duplication.

Rust calls types that can be easily duplicated Copy types. Copy is another trait, and it is implemented for types like i32 and bool. Remember how we defined the trait Minimum by writing trait Minimum : Copy { ...? This tells Rust that every type that implements Minimum must also implement Copy, and that’s why the compiler accepted our generic vec_min in part 02. Copy is the first marker trait that we encounter: It does not provide any methods, but makes a promise about the behavior of the type - in this case, being duplicable.


If you try to implement Copy for BigInt, you will notice that Rust does not let you do that. A type can only be Copy if all its elements are Copy, and that’s not the case for BigInt. However, we can make SomethingOrNothing<T> copy if T is Copy.

use part02::{SomethingOrNothing,Something,Nothing};
impl<T: Copy> Copy for SomethingOrNothing<T> {}

Again, Rust can generate implementations of Copy automatically. If you add #[derive(Copy,Clone)] right before the definition of SomethingOrNothing, both Copy and Clone will automatically be implemented.


An operational perspective

Instead of looking at what happens “at the surface” (i.e., visible in Rust), one can also explain ownership passing and how Copy and Clone fit in by looking at what happens on the machine.
When Rust code is executed, passing a value (like i32 or Vec<i32>) to a function will always result in a shallow copy being performed: Rust just copies the bytes representing that value, and considers itself done. That’s just like the default copy constructor in C++. Rust, however, will consider this a destructive operation: After copying the bytes elsewhere, the original value must no longer be used. After all, the two could now share a pointer! If, however, you mark a type Copy, then Rust will not consider a move destructive, and just like in C++, the old and new value can happily coexist. Now, Rust does not allow you to overload the copy constructor. This means that passing a value around will always be a fast operation, no allocation or any other kind of heap access will happen. In the situations where you would write a copy constructor in C++ (and hence incur a hidden cost on every copy of this type), you’d have the type not implement Copy, but only Clone. This makes the cost explicit.



To fix the performance problems of vec_min, we need to avoid using clone. We’d like the return value to not be owned (remember that this was the source of our need for cloning), but borrowed. In other words, we want to return a shared reference to the minimal element.


The function head demonstrates how that could work: It returns a reference to the first element of a vector if it is non-empty. The type of the function says that it will either return nothing, or it will return a borrowed T. We can then obtain a reference to the first element of v and use it to construct the return value.

fn head<T>(v: &Vec<T>) -> Option<&T> {
    if v.len() > 0 {
    } else {

Technically, we are returning a pointer to the first element. But doesn’t that mean that callers have to be careful? Imagine head would be a C++ function, and we would write the following code.

  int foo(std::vector<int> v) {
    int *first = head(v);
    return *first;

This is very much like our very first motivating example for ownership, at the beginning of part 04: push_back could reallocate the buffer, making first an invalid pointer. Again, we have aliasing (of first and v) and mutation. But this time, the bug is hidden behind the call to head. How does Rust solve this? If we translate the code above to Rust, it doesn’t compile, so clearly we are good - but how and why? (Notice that we use unwrap to explicitly assert that first is not None, whereas the C++ code above would silently dereference a NULL-pointer. But that’s another point.)

fn rust_foo(mut v: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
    let first: Option<&i32> = head(&v);
    /* v.push(42); */

To give the answer to this question, we have to talk about the lifetime of a reference. The point is, saying that you borrowed your friend a Vec<i32>, or a book, is not good enough, unless you also agree on how long your friend can borrow it. After all, you need to know when you can rely on owning your data (or book) again.

Every reference in Rust has an associated lifetime, written &'a T for a reference with lifetime 'a to something of type T. The full type of head reads as follows: fn<'a, T>(&'a Vec<T>) -> Option<&'a T>. Here, 'a is a lifetime variable, which represents for how long the vector has been borrowed. The function type expresses that argument and return value have the same lifetime.

When analyzing the code of rust_foo, Rust has to assign a lifetime to first. It will choose the scope where first is valid, which is the entire rest of the function. Because head ties the lifetime of its argument and return value together, this means that &v also has to borrow v for the entire duration of the function rust_foo. So when we try to create a unique reference to v for push, Rust complains that the two references (the one for head, and the one for push) overlap, so neither of them can be unique. Lucky us! Rust caught our mistake and made sure we don’t crash the program.

So, to sum this up: Lifetimes enable Rust to reason about how long a reference is valid, how long ownership has been borrowed. We can thus safely write functions like head, that return references into data they got as argument, and make sure they are used correctly, while looking only at the function type. At no point in our analysis of rust_foo did we have to look into head. That’s, of course, crucial if we want to separate library code from application code. Most of the time, we don’t have to explicitly add lifetimes to function types. This is thanks to lifetime elision, where Rust will automatically insert lifetimes we did not specify, following some simple, well-documented rules.